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CG Environmental, an EnviroServe Company

1816 Central Commerce Ct.
Round Rock, TX 78664


Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

24-Hour Emergency Response
Get a Free estimate!

1816 Central Commerce Ct. Round Rock, TX 75664

CG Environmental, an EnviroServe Company’s Team Will Clean Up Your Site

CG Environmental, an EnviroServe Company specializes in all types of cleanups in Austin, TX. It’s critical that you never attempt to handle biohazardous waste yourself. Biohazards are harmful to your health, and trying to do it yourself may result in disposing of them incorrectly or even illegally. If you find yourself in need of hazardous waste cleanup services, you can count on our team to perform superior hazardous materials cleanup for you. Our extensive experience and glowing customer reviews make us the most trusted industrial cleaning contractors in the Austin, TX area. We’re available 24/7 and utilize spill cleanup trucks and oil spill containment equipment for emergency spill response. Allow us to clean up your hazardous waste safely for you.

Comprehensive Cleanup Services in Austin, TX

When you’re in need of industrial cleaning services in Austin, we’re the ones to call. Having been in the business for more than 25 years, we were the first company in the United States to handle the Ebola virus clean up. Are you concerned about viruses like Coronavirus (COVID-19)? If so, allow our industrial cleanup team to clean up your site. CG Environmental, an EnviroServe Company is an environmentally-responsible company, and we constantly strive to improve our performance related to preventing, intervening, and responding to emergency spills. We’re fully licensed, insured, and bonded with all the necessary certificates. Our diverse and knowledgeable team can guarantee your peace of mind. We respond to a variety of situations any time and anywhere with our state-of-the-art resources.

Professional cleaning service.

Emergency Cleanup Services

Emergencies can happen at any time, which is why our team is available 24/7. Utilizing the utmost safety precautions, we make your health our #1 priority. We know how hazardous bloodborne pathogens tend to lurk in bodily fluids and other substances. That’s why our hazardous cleanup process uses industry best practices, including chemicals that are specifically designed for cleaning up emergency hazardous spills. We always comply with federal and state regulations so you can have total peace of mind knowing your home or business is safe once our job is done.

Field Cleanup Service in Austin, TX

We provide hoarding cleaning services for homes in the Austin, TX area. Cleaning a hoarder’s house might not sound that involved, but there’s more to it than you realize. There may be vermin droppings, bacteria growth, rodent infestations, and more. For those reasons, it’s essential that the area is cleaned thoroughly and professionally. Don’t put yourself at risk; allow the team at CG Environmental, an EnviroServe Company to do the job. Our professionals will ensure that your home or place of business is safe and spotless by the time we’re through.

Drums with flammable warning.

Waste Service & Other Cleanup Services

We provide industrial cleanup services in addition to oil containment and any other type of biohazard waste service you need in Austin, TX. Our team at CG Environmental, an EnviroServe Company also provides soil remediation services, industrial spill cleanup, hydro-excavation, and battery acid spill cleanup. It’s essential to make sure that all hazardous waste is taken care of and disposed of properly. We’re an environmentally-aware organization, and we pledge to provide thorough and efficient remediation and containment for all hazardous waste, all at an extremely competitive price. Contact us today to learn more.

Get Your Free Estimate Today!

24-Hour Response