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Answering Questions About Emergency Spill Response Services

Companies faced with petroleum, industrial waste, and chemical spills may feel overwhelmed thinking about the legal and environmental consequences. As chemical spill cleanup specialists in Texas, Colorado, Missouri, Oklahoma and neighboring states, CG Environmental, an EnviroServe Company is here to answer questions and help clients deal with the aftermath with our 24/7 emergency spill responses. Should you not see the answer to your question listed below, we encourage you to contact us via phone or email.

Bin of Waste Oil

What Should You Do When a Chemical Spill Occurs?

When a chemical spill occurs, time is of the essence because of the harmful effects on human health and the environment. First, you should evacuate the area to minimize the risk of personnel exposure. Chemical spills can cause fires, explosions, leakages, and the release of toxic or hazardous materials that can cause illness, injury, disability, or even death. You will need someone knowledgeable about the chemical and its specific properties to take charge of the situation and keep your personnel safe from danger. Anyone not involved in the chemical spill cleanup should stay uphill or upwind of the area.

If the spill occurred on public property or anyone has been injured, you should call 911. Once the local authorities have been notified, your next call would be to a company such as CG Environmental, an EnviroServe Company that specializes in chemical spill cleanup services. If the spill occurred on private property without any immediate dangers, we would be your first and only call to take control of the situation.

Who Is Held Responsible for a Chemical Spill Cleanup?

The company that was in possession of the chemical when it was spilled is usually the responsible party. Even a company transporting chemicals may be held accountable for spills occurring during transport. Sometimes, the responsibility may fall upon multiple parties, such as the 2010 Gulf Oil Spill. In the state of Texas, the responsible party must make sure the chemical spill is cleaned up, and the hazardous wastes are disposed of properly. Although companies may be held responsible for the cleanup and restoration costs, most companies have insurance coverage to help offset these costs. Refusal to pay for the chemical spill cleanup can result in severe penalties, including the filing of state lawsuits. The responsible party can also be held accountable for mistakes caused by an underqualified contractor they hired to clean up the spill, so it’s critical to hire the company with the right qualifications and training.

My Company Works with Several Chemicals. What Do I Need?

Companies that work with chemicals should have safety protocols in place to protect their personnel and the environment in the event of a chemical spill. All chemical products should come with a Material Safety Data Sheet specifying how hazardous they are if spilled. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has published guidelines regarding Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standards (HAZWOPER) that all companies working with hazardous substances should comply with through their safety programs. All personnel should be trained to handle chemicals safely in the workplace, as well as where to locate emergency spill kits and how to use their contents appropriately.

What Is Hazardous Waste? Who Can Clean Up Hazardous Waste?

Often generated by manufacturing processes, hazardous waste is anything that is deemed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as being toxic, corrosive, reactive, or ignitable. Corrosive chemicals may be fully neutralized and disposed of as non-hazardous waste, but it requires the expertise of someone familiar with absorbents and chemical decontaminants to make this determination.

CG Environmental, an EnviroServe Company adheres to all local, state, and federal regulations regarding hazardous and non-hazardous waste removal services. Our certified team has the experience and equipment to clean up waste at your site and then transport and dispose of it properly for your peace of mind. We’re also adept at cleaning up industrial waste spills caused by factories, mills, and mines. Whether your company needs paints, metals, sewage, or radioactive waste disposed of, we take pride in our ability to deliver 24/7 emergency spill response times throughout Texas, Colorado, Missouri, and Oklahoma.

What Are Some of the Main Causes of Oil Spills?

Oil spills are often caused by inclement weather, intentional acts of violence, or human errors. Perhaps you’ve heard of pipelines leaking or tankers crashing while transporting oil from one location to another. Trucks transporting oil can also become involved in accidents on land. Oil wells blow up occasionally, sometimes caused by vandalism. Natural seepage also occurs in which oil leaks up from the ground and into the water. No matter how they happen, spills caused by the release of crude oil and refined petroleum products (gasoline or diesel) should be cleaned up immediately.

Why Should Oil and Fuel Spills Be Cleaned Immediately?

Gas or diesel spills are a hazard to anyone in their vicinity because of their toxicity and flammability. It is considered hazardous waste that must be disposed of promptly, or it is subject to severe penalties. The company responsible for causing the diesel or oil spill must pay for the fuel spill cleanup efforts, including the labor and equipment costs. In many instances, they must also pay for a study to discover how much damage was done to the environment. The chemicals in oil make it toxic not only to humans but also to plants and animals living in the area. Oil spills are dangerous to marine life when the plants and animals are coated in heavy oils or when the animals ingest these toxic substances. Sometimes, it can take years or even decades to clean up after a major oil spill, replacing the local plants and wildlife that were killed due to the spill. Environmental factors often make the cleanup of oil spills difficult, as winds and waves can spread the oil faster and over a wider area.

What Are the Best Methods for Cleaning Oil Spills?

Oil spills occurring over water are typically cleaned up with skimmers that skim the oil off the surface of the ocean, much like a vacuum cleaner. It’s then collected in booms and contained at various collection points until it can be safely removed. Oil can also be absorbed using sorbent pads, dispersed by chemicals until it becomes tiny droplets, burned atop the water, or filtered through pumps. The severity and location of the spill often dictate which method of cleanup will be the most effective.

How Do Our Emergency Spill Response Services Differ?

Many cleaning companies use the industry-standard absorbent/sweep method when handling a hazardous spill. However, this approach takes time, causing disruption to your day-to-day operations. CG Environmental, an EnviroServe Company’s patented “Annihilator” trucks and handheld units can clean up to an 800-square-foot spill on a hard surface in about 60 seconds. Not only does our proprietary equipment make cleanups faster, but it also captures more hazardous materials than the conventional method. Since 1992, our company has studied the most effective ways to help with chemical and petroleum spills. From household hazardous waste to commercial biohazard cleanup services, we’re equipped to ensure your space will be free of dangerous chemicals and materials in no time.

Why Choose CG Environmental, an EnviroServe Company?

CG Environmental, an EnviroServe Company makes an excellent choice for petroleum, fuel, industrial waste, and chemical spill cleanups throughout Texas and Colorado, as well as parts of Missouri, Oklahoma and neighboring states. Our well-qualified team can respond to any emergency spill situation in Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio, Houston, Denver, and many surrounding communities with an average one-hour response time, day or night. Contact us to receive a free emergency spill response estimate!